Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 10: Disaster with the Blade Mold!

I didn't go into the workshop today as I was feeling a bit ill (nothing some anti-biotics wont fix), and as we are going on a trip this weekend I decided to take it easy. The main news from the shop however was all bad unfortunately. Basically the wood from which the CNC was carving out the blade mold had warped which meant that the machine went right through the resin coat and ate into the wood. This prompted Micheal to decide that we should now use the CNC to carve out some blades from solid blocks of wood, so we have some to use, and then a mold can be made later on after we have left. Its a shame to have another setback but hopefully we will still get some blades out, and they will have their mold in the future.

Tonight we will get on a night bus up the coast so the others can get a look at the turbines in Zorritos before we head down to Mancora for some R&R.

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